The governance of health information systems : a tool for improving the quality of care

La gouvernance des systèmes d'information de santé : un outil pour améliorer la qualité des soins


  • fatima ezzahra salamate unversty hassan the 1st
  • Hasna ATTAR University Hassan 1st, Faculty of Economics and Management, LM2CE, Settat, Morocco
  • Aadil BELHAJ University Hassan 1st, Faculty of Economics and Management, LM2CE, Settat, Morocco
  • Jamal ZAHI University Hassan 1st, Faculty of Economics and Management, LM2CE, Settat, Morocco


healthcare information system, ITIL, IT governance, performance


Computerization of the care process is essential. It facilitates the traceability of care activity, which is the founding regulatory element of care safety, and the operational element of continuous quality improvement initiatives. This is why the implementation of traceability in the field now requires the development of responsive information systems based on information technology governance, and specifically the ITIL best practice framework. The deployment of ITIL will enable care processes to be mastered in real time, eliminating malfunctions and improving SIS performance.


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How to Cite

salamate, fatima ezzahra, ATTAR, H. ., BELHAJ, A. ., & ZAHI, J. (2024). The governance of health information systems : a tool for improving the quality of care : La gouvernance des systèmes d’information de santé : un outil pour améliorer la qualité des soins. International Journal of Computer Engineering and Data Science (IJCEDS), 3(3), 1–4. Retrieved from